Friday, February 16, 2007

My beautiful Indonesia

There are so many articles which you can read about Indonesia. Some talk about the beauty and others talk about the ugly things they find in the country. That is not surprising, simply ask ten people who have visited Indonesia. Ask them what they think about the country. Most probably each one of them will give a different answer. Their answers depend on which part of Indonesia they visited.

Indonesia is a unique country, home to about 260 millions people from 300 different ethnic groups. There are about 300 different languages spoken throughout the country. The country consists of 17.000 islands. Yes, make no mistake, it is seventeen thousands islands. With that kind of characteristics I certainly am not a qualified person to talk about my country. I haven't been to all those islands and I haven't read enough books to talk about it. However I will try to write about Indonesia from my point of view.

I will talk mostly about Java and Bali. Java is an island where the capital of Indonesia Jakarta is located, home to about 13 millions people and it is a very busy cosmopolitan city. Here you will find skyscrapers, flyover bridges, super malls, beautiful hotels and residential areas. I love going to Jakarta, not only to visit my family and relatives, but also because I grew up in that city. Another favorite place for me is Bali. It is an island, not so far from Jakarta, about one and a half hour by airplane.

I have been to many beaches in Hawaii, Mauritius, Cyprus, South of France, California, England, Jordan, Florida and… (Hmm let me remember). However Bali remains my first choice to spend my summer vacation. Bali has beautiful views and a place rich in traditions. Sometimes, while you are enjoying your lunch at a cozy restaurant in Ubud Bali, you see a group of people wearing colorful costumes walking towards the temple (that alone is unique scenery that I would not want to miss). Almost everywhere you go in Bali, you find different kind of ceremonies being held. In fact, the Balinese start their day with different rituals i.e. to cook rice, to go out of the house, to start the business etc. Simply fascinating.

By the way, do you know that Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stone got married to Jerry Hall while holidaying in Bali? The British Billionaire Sir Richard Branson says that Bali is one of the most beautiful and intriguing places on earth as written on an article in Billionaire magazine. I also spotted many celebrities enjoying themselves in Bali, neeiy of course I did not run after them with my camera if you ask me to show their pictures.

1 comment:

Um Ibrahim said...

Me too am a beach person, love Bali, but the past years love Lombok more bcs still not as crowded as Bali, but you are right No beach can compare to the Indonesian beaches, ever go to menado's white beach where fishes follow you while walking on the shore.. amazing.. USA's south/ east coast, spanish beaches..even thailand are no comparisson:)